Aug. 17 Poster presentation guideline is online.
Aug. 15 Registration is available now.
Jul. 20 Acceptance announcement will be sent to the authors no later than August 15, 2016.
Jul. 11 Deadline for full paper submission is extended to July 16, 2016.
Please note that July 16, 2016 is the final due date for full paper submission. There is no further extension for full paper submission.
In addition, during full paper submission, the title, abstract, and keywords are allowed for modification. Please note that all the information provided in the system must be consistent with the submitted MS Word document.
Jun. 7 Registration will be available on August 1, 2016.
May 30 Abstract Acceptance Notification has been sent to the corresponding author. Full paper submission is available.
May 16 Final deadline for abstract sunmission is extended to May 27, 2016.
In response to a number of requests, we have extended the final deadline for abstract submission to May 27, 2016. (No more extension)
Apr. 29 Deadline for abstract submission is extended to May 15, 2016.
In response to a number of requests, we have extended the deadline for abstract submission to May 15, 2016.
2016(本)年的CIIE年會暨學術研討會將與APIEMS 2016國際學術研討會合辦,還請各會員鼓勵您的學生直接投稿到APIEMS 研討會。
APIEMS 2016 是由台科大主辦,會議地點是在台北市福華飯店,會期是本年12月7日至10日。詳情請連結下列網站:
1. APIEMS 2016僅接受英文投稿,CIIE 將沒有特別的中文場次。請直接投稿到APIEMS 2016。
2. CIIE的會務報告將在12月10日(星期六)上午舉行
3. APIEMS 2016的大會晚宴將安排在12月9日(星期五),CIIE將安排特別座位區給不參加APIEMS 研討會的CIIE會員貴賓。為了統計人數,我們將在接近研討會時間的本年第四季接受這些會員貴賓另外報名。
CIIE 2016 年會聯絡人
周雍強 敬上
You can find the details in "Program >> Competition-Practice" &
"Program >> Competition-Student"
Mar. 8 Call for Special Issues is announced!
You can find the details in "Call for Paper >> Special issues".
Mar. 1 Submission is available. Submit!
Jan. 29 APIEMS 2016 Calendar is available for subscription.
You can subscribe APIEMS 2016 calendar by clicking
Jan. 13 (For Chinese)入台证申请说明已放至在Venue & Travel子选项下
You can find the details in "Venue & Travel >> 入台证申请说明".